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Professional Forensic Engineering

LEWIS W. ERNEST, P.E., Advisor

Lewis W. Ernest is a licensed civil engineer in six states and has over thirty (30) years of engineering and business management experience. During his career, Mr. Ernest has assumed various engineering and management positions which have provided a wide range of engineering experiences and challenges.

In the most recent years of his career, his engineering efforts have focused on the investigative/forensic arena where he has served as Vice President and Director of Operations for two consulting engineering firms. Mr. Ernest has used his Business Management (MBA) and engineering education as well as his involvement with I-ENG-A in the development and management of three successful Investigative Engineering Business Units. Mr. Ernest and his business units have been involved with over 3000 multi-disciplined case assignments for the insurance industry, the legal community and the private sector.

In his partial retirement, Mr. Ernest plans to share his business development and operational knowledge and experience in the support of I-ENG-A Member engineering organizations desiring to strengthen and grow their investigative engineering business.

HENRY F. SADLER P.E., Biomechanical Team Leader Advisor

Mr. Sadler is a registered Professional Engineer with over 43 years of experience and has been the principal involved in over 6,500 successful investigations.

Mr. Sadler is the president of Vector Dynamics Corporation, and CMR Investigative Engineers specializing in recreating, analyzing, and identifying causes of vehicular, workplace, and general liability accidents and the resultant human injury. His team of physicians, biomechanists, and engineers use a series of diagnostics, medical records, and validated biomechanical modeling tools to analyze the body's physical reactions to forces by factoring in an individual's unique size, weight and physical condition; information gathered from the incident location; environmental conditions; all tools or equipment involved in the accident, and what injuries resulted from it.

Mr. Sadler is the author and certified instructor of a nationally accredited continuing education course for insurance adjusters and attorneys: An Understanding of Low Velocity Impacts.

Mr. Sadler proudly served in the Maryland Army National Guard from 1964-1970

Mr. Sadler heads up the biomechanical advisory team which supports the I-ENG-A association members with claims for scientifically validated computer modeling for reporting and courtroom testimony.

PETER VALLAS, Senior Fire Investigation Advisor

Mr. Peter Vallas, Sr., is President of Peter Vallas and Associates, Inc., an independent multi-discipline consulting engineering firm with offices in England, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and Florida.

The firm has its own testing laboratories, and specializes in investigative engineering world-wide. Mr. Vallas has been a guest speaker all over the United States as well as in Europe, Asia, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean. He is a licensed fire science teacher in the states of Florida and New Jersey, and is an adjunct professor at Broward Community College in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

We are pleased and proud to have Peter as one of our advisors. Peter makes himself readily available to all affiliates for consultation on fire investigation assignments and presents the primary training to our initiates.

ELVIN AYCOCK, PE, PH, PLS, REM, ACTAR, Traffic Accident Reconstruction Advisor

Elvin Aycock is a Professional Engineer, Professional Hydrologist, Professional Land Surveyor, Registered Environmental Manager and ACTAR certified. He specializes in traffic accident reconstruction, hydroplaning accident cases, storm drainage flooding damage and land surveying claims. He has more than 30 years of experience as an investigative and forensic engineer.

Elvin assists member firms with traffic crash investigations, and provides support for vehicular #1B3356 box downloads and investigations for the association member firms.